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Digital Visitor Badges: The COVID safe alternative to printing

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on October 9, 2020

COVID-19 has made it progressively more difficult for people in all industries to complete their daily tasks and reach business needs as usual. One thing that seems to be the saving grace for these newly arisen challenges is the fact that there are 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world today.

How exactly does this relate to work processes?

Smartphones can be used to streamline a number of workplace processes and make them entirely touch-free. This includes the need for visitor badges as access to digital visitor badges simplifies the process and makes it significantly safer. Let’s explore!

The Risks and Challenges of Printed Badges

There are a number of risks and challenges that go along with printed badges in today’s world. One of the main risks in the need for multiple people touching the same surfaces. 

It’s inevitable with printed badges that multiple people will be handling the printer, the paper that is loaded into it, and also the people who inadvertently touch the printer whilst retrieving their badge. This is problematic as the spread of germs becomes nearly impossible to avoid and is incredibly time-consuming to manage. 

Another challenge associated with printed badges is the limit to the amount of information that can be reasonably displayed on the printed badge. This makes it difficult for all information to be easily accessible and accurate. 

printed visitor badges can be rife with germs

Sine Pro Mobile App: Digital Visitor Badges

One of the greatest features included with the Sine Pro mobile app is the ability to use it as a digital visitor badge. By utilising Sine Pro as a digital visitor badge, companies can solve many of the problems that come with printed badges in a COVID world and provide a much safer alternative.

How Digital Visitor Badges Work

Users can sign-in using the Sine Pro mobile app, either as they arrive on-site with a QR code scan, or before they arrive on-site by selecting the site name from the provided list.

All visitor badge information is then provided and accessible to management with a visitor photo, location and sign-in details. Not only that, the visitor profile includes all of the information the specific visitor needs, including entry instructions, emergency info, health and safety info and site time. Their location and time spent on site are recorded through the site counter.

It is also possible to have visitor badges mobile print-ready through the Sine Pro mobile app. Visitors can sign-in with the app and have their badge printed instantly upon arriving on site.

The need to return visitor badges during sign-out is eliminated as visitors can simply swipe from the app and instantly sign-out with a single tap. 

The need for multiple people touching the same items is greatly reduced. As we have seen time and time again, any reduction in contact reduces the potential for the virus to be spread.

Digital Visitor Badge Benefits and Features

The main benefit that digital visitor badges provide is the lessened need for crowding and the spread of germs through commonly touched surfaces. Your workplace is made significantly safer as a whole when fewer people are required in an area at a time and the need for sharing is removed.

Digital visitor badges can contain all necessary information which is collected through the sign-in process. There is no limit to space and therefore no limit to what can be included on a visitor’s badge. All information is in one simple and easily accessible place.

The Sine Pro app also eliminates the need for queueing as visitors can collect printed badges immediately upon arrival. This is great for busy sites and group sign-ins. There is no longer a need to risk crowding or overpopulating certain areas on-site and furthering the spread of germs.

The ability to access sign-in and sign-out forms is also a great feature of the Sine Pro mobile app as visitors can complete visitation questionnaires and sign off on terms and conditions. This eliminates the need for touching communal screens or using pen and paper.

All-in-all safety is always top of mind when the Sine Pro mobile app is implemented into the visitor badge process. Visitors will feel that your business truly cares about their well-being and will be even more excited to work with your team.

Get Setup and Started with the Sine Pro Mobile App

Eliminating risks in the workplace and creating a safe environment is important to everyone in the current climate. This is why digital visitor badges are such a great solution to meeting these needs. Daily processes are not only made easier, they are made safer.

Get started with the Sine Pro mobile app today.

You can try out all of the great features the app has to offer including digital visitor badges and be one step closer to helping create a safer workplace for a better world!
