3 devices sine

Fast Track check-in from Sine | Feature Update

By Stacey AveryCustomer Success
Published on April 4, 2017

Time to treat your guests and contractors to life in the fast lane.

We wanted to make it really easy for visitors and contractors to check-in on the iPad if they had been invited using Sine, but secure enough so their name was never used to recall their invite. So, we came up with Fast TrackaccessThink of Fast Track access as being like your airline booking and boarding experience.

Fast Track Email

Now all your guests and contractors can receive a QR and 6 digit code via email invite which can be scanned in or entered on arrival on your SinePoint iPad app. We have also added a nifty calendar file to your email invites which guests can tap to add to their calendar and get reminded of their Fast Track code just prior to arrival.

Fast Track by Sine

Fast Track set-up

Here's a full guide, otherwise it's easy peasy...

  1. Just make sure your SinePoint Pro iPad app is up to date with the latest version.
  2. Turn on Fast Track codes under Site settings > iPad (if not on already)
  3. Invite guests and then they can scan in under Fast Track invite on arrival and on departure from your SinePoint Pro iPad. Yes, Fast Track codes work on check-out too, making check-out now even faster.

Contractors and Fast Track 

Note, Fast Track codes can be set to a certain duration when you set up an invite - i.e. 1 hour to 1 year or longer. This means you can make your Site Invite only and ensure only invited contractors with Fast Track codes can check-in and out at your Site. We would be happy to discuss Fast Track codes further with you in relation contractor management.

FTC - Scan QR

Running a corporate event?

Sine now has you covered with Fast Track check-in. Just upload your guest list into Sine Invites and all your guests will receive an email invite with a Fast Track QR code that they can then scan from their phone or print. This means super fast check-in for your next event.

Fast Track Email

Badges with full photo ID, company name and other details can be printed real-time or in advance. Need a plug and play event set up with all the hardware? Just visit our shop to get started with an iPad, stand and printer.
