Just as schools have a duty of care with respect to the educators and staff they employ, so too do they have the same duty of care with respect to any contractors or visitors that are admitted onto the school grounds.
With most schools likely to outsource specialist tasks such as maintenance, repairs, cleaning and gardening, it is important that a system be in place to reduce the risk that contractors or visitors may represent any risks to the school environment.
It is important that such a system also empower staff and students to quickly and easily identify people who are supposed to be on school grounds and those who are not.
Sine’s visitor and contractor management software can help give this power to a school and help manage the risks presented by welcoming visitors into such an important.
With Sine, it can help schools know exactly who is on school grounds at any one time.
Add an extra layer of security to your site by implementing digital or physical visitor badges for all visitor types. Whether they are a relief teacher, contractor or cleaner, Sine visitor badges can help identify anyone who is present in the facility and who is not wearing such credentials.
For a visitor badge system to be effective, consider some specific information that needs to be featured:
Visitor badges can also be assigned digitally, through Sine Digital Visitor Badges.
Geofencing is the creation of a virtual geographical boundary around your campus to enable returning visitors to automatically check in and out. Schools can set up a geofence to monitor attendance of regular visitors on campus. This could very handy if you maintain remote sites, unmanned sites or simply have unstaffed access points to your main campus. The same interaction can be applied when a visitor using the app leaves your campus.
Another function of geofencing is to create a virtual broadcasting boundary, helping you communicate with visitors who are on campus.
Safety, security, and communication are paramount in schools. In today’s technological age, paper-based sign-in systems may simply not be capable of providing these important environments with the level of accuracy or protection they need in order to ensure enhanced safety throughout schools. They may not guarantee the legibility of information provided, they not be able to provide school staff with the ability to instantly recognise legitimate visitors with real-time photographic identification and they can struggle to communicate with all visitors, staff, and students on-site instantaneously in case of an emergency.
Sine’s software has the built-in functionality that can help provide your workplace with an exhaustive evacuation list in the case of an emergency. You can have a real-time list of everybody onsite when you reach the assembly area. You can use Sine to account for everyone. If there is anyone unaccounted for, you can use Sine to pinpoint their last known location alongside their contact information.
Use the Sine web dashboard, SinePoint Pro iPad, or the Sine Pro mobile app to instantly notify everybody that an emergency has occurred. Just like direct messaging, you can mark your communication as a Message, Warning, or Emergency.
Sine workflows are a powerful tool to help pre-screen and gain essential Covid-19 vaccine information. This includes collecting and uploading immunization documents from your employees, visitors, and/or contractors before they check in. You can put a person’s access request in a ‘pending’ state and approve or reject them on a case-by-case basis, or automatically by vaccination status. By setting up your ‘Vaccine Passport’ screening workflow, this can assist you in ensuring that all your staff and visitors are adhering to relevant vaccine mandates by providing valid documentation of their immunization. Sine will automatically flag those who have not complied with this and block entry if needed.
If you have set up a Covid-19 pre-screening workflow, you can embed it within an invite and require everyone who is visiting your site to complete it before checking in. You can even attach Sine’s guidance sheets to the passes of your site!