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Companies Announcement Blog post

Introducing Companies: An Easier Way To Manage Compliance Documents

By Amanda Beylkin
Published on June 6, 2023

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We are proud to announce the release of Sine Companies, an add-on that makes it easier to manage supplier compliance documentation.

Designed as a ‘next step’ for businesses using paper forms and spreadsheets, Companies uses digitization and automation to streamline manual, time-consuming processes.

Helping you create a safer and more secure workplace

Working with third-party contractors and technicians can leave you vulnerable to financial, legal, reputational, and incident risk.

From non-compliance fines to insurance liabilities, the consequences of working with a non-compliant supplier can be substantial.

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To assist you in improving your workplace safety, security and efficiency, Companies helps you:

Streamline supplier pre-qualification and compliance document management

Request and remind suppliers to upload documents, approve or reject your supplier’s uploaded documents, and store supplier files within the Companies dashboard.

Monitor supplier inputted expiry dates and automate email reminders for expiring documents

Make it mandatory for suppliers to include expiry dates for each document that they upload. Supplier status is automatically changed to ‘disabled’ if a document is not updated when it expires.

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Connect to Workflows and Core to help you enhance safety, security, and compliance on site

When you connect Companies with Workflows and Core, you can configure the software to -

  • ‘Enable Sine Companies’ on a per Workflow basis - configure set up to block entry to site for individuals employed by entities you designate as non-compliant or unapproved suppliers.
  • ‘Allow new company’ on a per Workflow basis - keep track of contractors from new or unknown suppliers as they complete individual compliance Workflows you set up.
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Your supplier compliance documents in one centralized location

Within the Companies dashboard, you can view a list of your suppliers, their company compliance status, and the documents that have been uploaded to their file.

Accessible from anywhere, at any time, with Companies, you can:

Ready to digitize and automate supplier compliance management?

See how Companies can help you close the compliance loop and improve efficiency. Book a demo with our team today.
