Two decades ago, a paperless world might have been something we only dreamed of. With developments in technology and the unexpected onset of a worldwide pandemic however, the move to a paperless world has found rapid progression.
In the midst of COVID-19, it’s been that going paperless is no longer just offers environmental and organizational benefits, but also crucial health and safety benefits. Germs and contagions can spread much more quickly than you might think as papers are passed from hand to hand.
A paperless world is a step closer to a better world. Especially in the current climate.
Going paperless will often require new protocols and is almost certain to face resistance to change. However, reductions in paper usage can lead to significant savings in both time and money, which is a major benefit in combination with other important factors.
Creating a paperless environment means making changes, big and small, to how your business is run. We’re here to explore some of the ways to go paperless during a pandemic, and also talk about some of the unique benefits that these techniques can provide.
The cloud is your new best friend when it comes to storing documents in a paperless fashion. You can store and back up important documents using online storage tools and automated data backups. Ensuring your important documents are never lost.
Storing documents digitally not only helps you to go paperless, but it also assists you in pulling up files more quickly. This works to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
The ability to share documents digitally with others is also a massive contributor towards creating a contactless workplace. There is no need to pass a single document from hand to hand and risk the spread of germs.
As visitors join you on-site they will need to sign-in. Rather than providing an old school pen and paper system, you might try a digital sign-in book.
This helps to avoid the need for multiple visitors to touch the same surface and rather allows them to sign-in with their smartphone.
The free Sine Pro mobile app allows visitors to sign-in and out of your site seamlessly, and without contact. You will reduce the need for paper that is known to be costly, and implement a new process to contribute to your efforts in going contactless amidst the pandemic.
Printed presentations can take up a lot of paper, especially if each person attending the presentation needs a copy. This is not only wasteful but increases the need for passing paper between people and risking the spread of infection.
Replacing notepads and printed presentations with information sharing technology is a great way to eliminate these unnecessary processes. Encourage employees to take notes using a laptop during meetings to avoid the need for paper, and cast slideshow presentations from your laptop or phone to a TV.
Online presentations are also great for sharing with remote workers. Simply use the screen sharing options in your video calls.
If you’re still using printed memos as a means of communication, it may be time to make the switch!
There are many ways to communicate digitally, including email, instant messaging platforms, text message, electronic calendars, and project management systems. These communication systems make for an easier way of chatting remotely and for referencing written information in the future.
Thanks to digital document sharing services, the need to send documents by mail is eliminated . You can now receive files, make changes to them, sign them, and send them back without the need for any printing.
As contractors visit you on-site, they are likely going to need to have access to induction and compliance information. Rather than having printed documents readily available to them, they can access this information free from contact with the Sine Pro mobile app.
You can even create COVID-19 check-in questions for your visitors and get them to sign documents or view health and safety processes from their devices. This helps to keep both them and you safe and saves them time once they arrive on site.
Rather than having to take the time to review documentation upon arrival, they can simply analyze it before their visit, and be ready to go.
Whether it’s document copies, financing or business processes, there are endless ways to take your systems online.
Going digital can increase your business performance as processes are streamlined. Customers will be better satisfied by a seamless user experience, and as they are better served by employees.
Converting your finances to digital systems is also effective for avoiding misplaced information, and saving your employees time when it comes to organization.
You might also invest in energy-efficient office equipment which can tackle an increase in energy consumption from going paperless. LED lighting and energy-saving equipment can help to counterbalance any increases in energy costs.
You can take your efforts in going paperless to the next level with the use of digital visitor badges.
Users can sign-in using the Sine Pro mobile app, either as they arrive on-site with a QR code scan, or before they arrive on-site by selecting the site name from the provided list. They are then provided with a visitor badge which includes all of the necessary information – easily accessible to management.
There is no longer a need for physical badges. which can be problematic when it comes to spreading dangerous bacteria during a pandemic. You will save on paper and have ease of mind in knowing you have done your part in helping to create a paperless and contactless world.
A paperless world is one that is beneficial for many reasons. Whether it’s saving the environment, implementing better organization, or integrating contactless processes. The choice to go paperless is an easy one to make.