sine brother blog

Create the perfect visitor management experience with Sine and Brother

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on January 5, 2022

Imagine a self-driven service for your clients to sign in and automatically have an ID badge printed in one streamlined process. And for your employees, an instant notification when their guests have arrived, so they can always provide timely service to your clients while also being able to easily identify guests within the office – ensuring your workplace is safe and secure.

Sine and Brother have partnered up to deliver a simple yet effective Visitor Management System perfect for all businesses. With an intuitive interface, this front desk software enables visitors to check-in on the premises, alert specific staff members directly, while also relieving the pressure on reception staff to be present and available at all times. This solution is perfect for managing an organization's contact tracing procedures by giving management a clear overview of who was in the building, when, and where, at any given time.

To learn more about how Sine and Brothers' visitor management solutions can help improve your workplace visitor experience, book a free demo with a team member today.
