The new year brings with it new possibilities and opportunities for workplaces. Though an important constant remains from the years prior—a focus on operating safely.
For many organisations, the past year was spent developing, implementing and refining new workplace policies and procedures. This enabled them to get back to a regular rhythm in the workplace. While also facilitating a safe environment for their staff.
The recent emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 though, has forced many organisations to once again re-evaluate their procedures.
Here at Sine, we have worked to release features that provide you with the tools to return to the workplace safely.
So as we enter 2022, here are the features helping workplaces streamline and keep their workplace safe.
Vaccination status declarations are becoming standard in many workplaces. For management teams, it is essential to understand the vaccination status of those entering their premises so that they can manage risk and plan accordingly.
Now, with increased importance placed on booster doses, it is once again of increased importance for employers to take stock of the vaccination status of their employees.
Powered by Sine Workflows, our vaccination tracker enables staff to submit and declare their vaccination status quickly, easily and digitally. Organisations can then set blocking strategies to stop employees from checking in if they are not compliant with vaccination policies.
While vaccinations have been used as a primary screening tool for entry to the workplace, it is still essential for all employees to be monitoring themselves for symptoms that could indicate a potential breakthrough infection.
This is where regular health screenings still play a vital role in the ongoing management of the return to workplace.
Sine offers flexible ways to incorporate health screening questions into your return to the workplace. Making it easy to screen everyone coming to your workplace.
For visitors and contractors, these can be as simple as questions added into your check-in forms. These can help confirm they are not currently experiencing symptoms or are under a direction to quarantine at that time.
For staff or regular visitors and contractors though, Workflows offers a flexible solution to enable health screening to be completed from home, before someone arrives on-site—helping to further reduce the risk of exposure to positive cases on your site.
With Workflows, you can create a health screening workflow to be completed before coming to site. You can set the validity period of this workflow to align with your organisation’s policies too. For example, you might require the screening to be completed daily. only allowing responses to remain valid for less than 24 hours, or you may choose to have these valid for multiple days with validity periods of 48 or even 72 hours. These validity periods are completely flexible and can be set to any unit of time that suits your operations and policies.
While many governments introduced QR check-in systems to help manage outbreaks and contact tracing during the earlier stages of the pandemic, the focus of these systems has since shifted as many regions move into a ‘living with the virus’ approach.
This puts a greater focus and emphasis on organisations to independently manage their own exposures. Making it more important to be able to quickly perform contact tracing within the workplace.
Fortunately, Sine makes this process quick and easy, with a full check-in and check-out history for your site so that you can quickly identify any close contacts should an exposure occur in the workplace. This helps minimise the risk of further spread and disruption to operations.
The ongoing importance of contactless interactions and transactions certainly remains as we move into new phases of the pandemic. Sine offers a range of contactless check-in options. From QR posters to mobile geo-fencing, easily tailored to suit your operational requirements.
Our team have partnered with businesses globally to help them roll out solutions and return safely to their workplaces. With flexible, scalable solutions, Sine is built to help every organisation streamline their processes.