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Turbocharge your invites

Turbocharge your invites with COVID-19 warnings

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on July 28, 2020

It’s been a long road for many businesses seeking to return to work after COVID-19 lockdowns. As quickly as many offices found themselves shutting down and sending staff off-site to begin working remotely, they now find themselves trying to reopen and establish safe procedures for their return to work.

One of the key risk factors in the transmission of COVID-19 is through contact with an infected person.

Many businesses have sought to reduce the number of people entering their site and enable social distancing in the workplace. However, the safest solution is for anyone displaying symptoms or meeting criteria that place them at a higher risk of carrying the disease never even enter your site in the first place.

Contactless Fast Track Sign-In with invites

Previously, we have spoken about our new contactless sign-in feature which has been developed to specifically tackle COVID-19. Through issuing a fast track QR code when a guest is invited to your site, you are able to have them check-in to site without ever touching the iPad.

This is a great system for businesses to implement to help mitigate the transmission risks that arise from having multiple people touching communal surfaces in the office.

But the real strength of a contactless system comes from effective screening processes and clear communication with visitors to ensure that anyone who may be infected doesn’t even come on-site.

And with that, let’s look at how you can turbocharge your invites to keep your workplace COVID-safe.

Prescreening visitors with invites

By now you know Sine can help you replace paper sign-in sheets and incorporate screening workflows within your check-in forms. But we’ve also been working to make invites even more flexible. This gives you greater power to customise these and communicate crucial information with invitees before they arrive on site.

covid-19 workplace symptoms poster

Embedding images within invites

If you haven’t already accessed our COVID-19 resources, you can download these here. Within invites, you can now embed images containing vital COVID-19 warnings and screening details, like our 'Know Your Symptoms' and 'Staff health and safety' posters.

These posters are a great way to communicate the symptoms and risk factors that potential visitors should watch for. Along with these images, you can embed clear statements of your workplaces’ policies for COVID prevention.

Update check-in questions to invitation statements

A great way to bolster your COVID-safe visitor management system is to add a second layer of screening. Don’t just limit your screening questions to be part of your check-in forms, by including these as statements within your invites you can advise potential visitors that if they meet any of these criteria they will not be able to check-in to your site. By doing this, you will be able to stop people you don’t want arriving on your site from coming in the first place.

How to update invitation templates

To add images to your invites, navigate to the site you wish to update the invite for. Within the settings for that site, select passes and then 'Visit Info'.

Visit information in check-in form

Here you can add new sections as necessary and select from either text or images, via the 'Upload Image' button. Once you have added your content, you can select its visibility either to appear on invitations, passes or both.

Stay COVID-safe with Sine

We are constantly working on and releasing new features here at Sine to help you keep your workplace safe. Our Sine Safe suite of solutions offers a range of features and functionality. These are all geared towards empowering business and organisations across all industries to return to work and stay COVID-safe. 

Sine Safe covers every element of your return to work. From the initial screening of employees to contactless sign-in solutions and compliance monitoring capabilities.

To learn more about our COVID-safe solutions and features, book a demo and our team will take you through everything you need to know to get started with Sine for your business.
