Workplace without a receptionist

Can you run a workplace without a receptionist?

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on February 1, 2021

The concept of machines replacing humans in the workplace is something we hear about all the time. After all, technology is continuously progressing and making our everyday processes more efficient. However, what exactly does this concept look like when it comes to the position of a receptionist?

Does modern software and technology really mean for businesses no longer needing the trained professionals that grace our front desks? 

The truth is that the difference a real human receptionist can make is substantial, but it just might be up to technology to provide new opportunities and functionality. Let’s take a look at visitor management as a part of the receptionist role. 

Visitor management as a part of receptionist duties 

We like to think of visitor management as a supplement rather than a total replacement. By introducing a visitor management system into your business, you provide receptionists with a great advantage. 

We’ll start by exploring some of the tasks a visitor management system can cover. 

Visitor greetings

A virtual perimeter using geofencing technology is set up, so when a visitor enters within that perimeter, they are greeted electronically. There’s no need for your receptionist to be waiting around to greet them as the visitor management system clarifies what to do and where to go. 

Visitor sign-In

Visitor management is an effortless front desk sign-in for your visitors. They can use either an iPad or their device to sign-in once they have arrived on site. Capture photo ID during sign-in, with the Sine Pro app to ensure clear identification. 

contactless visitor check-in solution

Arrival notifications 

Once a visitor has arrived on site, a notification is sent to the host of that guest. This helps ensure that no visitor is left waiting and that hosts are aware of when their guest comes and goes.

Badge printing and distribution 

Badge printing and distribution is made easy as they can be printed instantly after the sign-in process is complete. This allows you to efficiently identify the type of visitor and also gets them ready for their visit. 

Compliance documentation 

Should a visitor need to complete or view any compliance documentation, they can easily do so ahead of time or once they arrive on-site through the digital app. This helps to speed up the process of documentation collection and keeps the organizational side of it simple. 

Increasingly, visitor management can automate many of the ‘traditional’ tasks that would traditionally fall to a receptionist. 

Creating better opportunity for receptionists 

A visitor management system is highly functional and capable of completing many major visitor-related tasks in an organization. But what does this mean for receptionists? 

The addition of visitor management means better opportunity. Both for your business and your receptionist as roles can be expanded, and skills are put to better use. Here is what some of those opportunities might look like: 

Increased mobility 

Receptionsts are no longer glued to their desks throughout the day. With visitor management systems, you can take care of greeting and sign-in automatically. Enabling your reception staff to take on larger roles throughout the rest of the organisation and workplace. 

Expansion of the receptionist role

Visitor management helps expand the receptionist's role as they can take on more significant tasks within the organization. They can explore their skills and use them to help the organization grow. 

The daily range of receptionist duties 

As time goes on, receptionist duties can become daunting and redundant. A visitor management system allows receptionists to switch things up and provide more diversity in their daily duties. 

Better functionality 

A visitor management system could be just what you need to take the next step in increasing functionality in the workplace. Receptionists can step into quasi-office manager or administrative assistant roles to better serve the organization. 

data analysis is a useful part of integrated partnerships

Try visitor management for yourself 

Sine’s visitor management system is what your business needs to help your receptionist thrive and grow in their position. It provides a straightforward way to cover visitor greetings, sign-in, badge printing, collection of compliance documentation, and more! 

Looking to augment your receptionist's capabilities? Book a demo with our team today to see how Sine can help.
